A Guide to Health Narrative of Prevalent Diseases
A Guide to Health Narrative of Prevalent Diseases
This book follows my first one ‘Fitness Fun, Nutrition and Lifestyle In Pakistan’. A project inspired by curiosity and the willingness to explore and share my knowledge with my fellow citizens. As quoted by Sarmad Iqbal: ‘Muggo’s primary motive has been to bring a “wellness revolution” and her book provides the “ammunition for it: DECEMBER 6, 2020 This book provides further insight into health on a serious scale.
Pakistan is a country of 229,183,986 million people as of June 10, 2022 with a young population and a median age of 22.8 years. To aim for a fit nation is possible by overall management of various health aspects and behavioral change. Knowledge of a particular disease in the long run is the essence of this guide book with doctor’s interviews packed with powerful experiential learning. Without a knowledge of the first line of defense called immunity you have nothing. Immunity is a combination of a number of aspects of health mainly physical fitness and quality nutrition. A comprehensive read that can help change your life and promote optimal wellbeing.